Monday, May 08, 2006

Advertising Annoyances...

If you've been watching any tv lately, you've probably seen the new Mac commercials. They are SO annoying. Now, I like Macs, but have been forced to use PC's. I am no huge fan of Bill Gates and his business practices OR his bug-laden operating system, but these commercials just aren't all that accurate. Windows XP comes with more than a calculator, Steve. To advertise otherwise is just plain wrong. New computers have quite a bit of software installed. Macs come with stuff, and yes, a bit more than XP with the base installation, but exaggeration just doesn't help their case any. Stick with the truth, and Macs will sell, but that fact is that most people aren't going to switch. They like what's familiar. Both Macs and PCs have their good points and bad points. Throw in Linux and you have a trifecta. They all have their purposes. And I would like one of each, please. ;-)

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