Tuesday, May 23, 2006

American Idol, Finals, and Life.

It's gonna be a little quiet on here this week, it's finals week. Contrary to popular belief, finals are just as much of a pain for teachers as they are for students. My lesson: never write a final you don't want to grade. Never assign a paper that you don't want to read 30 times!

Oh, and the American Idol final STUNK. Two rerun songs and only one new song? Where's the challenge in that?? Clay and Ruben had to sing three new songs, all of which they were told to sing. And that finale was awesome. Clay kicked major bootay, even if he didn't 'win'. ::coughcoughphonelinejamcoughcough:: I will admit, both of those coronation songs make TITN and FWOW look like classic material. Where does AI get these song writers? I have high school students that write better music than that. Seriously. AI, give me a call, and I will hook you up.

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