Saturday, May 27, 2006

Future Gadgets

The Tech EBlog comes up with a top 10 list of strangest gadgets for the future.

The best (in my opinion):

  • This Origami DVD Player concept uses a fully-flexible display technology (e-paper) to ensure maximum portability. When not in use, the screen folds up neatly back into the case. From the image, it looks to sport integrated speakers as well. No word yet on if this concept will go into production.

The most disturbing:

  • “On Target” Video Game Urinal
    Set back into each urinal is a pressure-sensitive display, which activates an interactive game when used. This game includes sounds and images, bringing entertainment value to where you’d least expect. It will most likely will be installed in airports and schools “with the functional purpose of improving hygiene”.

Okay, first off, adult males? Should be able to hit the darn urinal. Kids are the only ones that get a pass in my book. Secondly, you put those suckers in school bathrooms, and good luck getting the kids out of the bathroom. 30 minutes backroom trips will be common place. And a female teacher can't exactly go in there and drag them out. Of course, this could very well make the MEN have to wait in a bathroom line for a change. Heh.

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geekette said...

Video game urinals? BWAH!

Airports will notice an uptick in beer sales, and water fountains in schools will be worn out!

The ConCLAYve-Nan said...

Yikes - video game urinals. Now that's disturbing. Who thinks of these things? Very funny.

sw said...

O_o. The urinal thing is just wrong. The origami DVD player definitely looks cool though.

Jannet said... that was funny. Very!