Saturday, May 27, 2006

Future Gadgets

The Tech EBlog comes up with a top 10 list of strangest gadgets for the future.

The best (in my opinion):

  • This Origami DVD Player concept uses a fully-flexible display technology (e-paper) to ensure maximum portability. When not in use, the screen folds up neatly back into the case. From the image, it looks to sport integrated speakers as well. No word yet on if this concept will go into production.

The most disturbing:

  • “On Target” Video Game Urinal
    Set back into each urinal is a pressure-sensitive display, which activates an interactive game when used. This game includes sounds and images, bringing entertainment value to where you’d least expect. It will most likely will be installed in airports and schools “with the functional purpose of improving hygiene”.

Okay, first off, adult males? Should be able to hit the darn urinal. Kids are the only ones that get a pass in my book. Secondly, you put those suckers in school bathrooms, and good luck getting the kids out of the bathroom. 30 minutes backroom trips will be common place. And a female teacher can't exactly go in there and drag them out. Of course, this could very well make the MEN have to wait in a bathroom line for a change. Heh.

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

American Idol, Finals, and Life.

It's gonna be a little quiet on here this week, it's finals week. Contrary to popular belief, finals are just as much of a pain for teachers as they are for students. My lesson: never write a final you don't want to grade. Never assign a paper that you don't want to read 30 times!

Oh, and the American Idol final STUNK. Two rerun songs and only one new song? Where's the challenge in that?? Clay and Ruben had to sing three new songs, all of which they were told to sing. And that finale was awesome. Clay kicked major bootay, even if he didn't 'win'. ::coughcoughphonelinejamcoughcough:: I will admit, both of those coronation songs make TITN and FWOW look like classic material. Where does AI get these song writers? I have high school students that write better music than that. Seriously. AI, give me a call, and I will hook you up.

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Friday, May 19, 2006


JoT thumb

What could possibly be even uglier than Medusa?

Click here to visit the comic.

If you've ever visited the site this cartoon is about, you know why I like it!

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Holy Microsoft, Batman! (or not)

Good grief! Look at what a computer will have to have MINIMUM to run Windows new operating system poised to come out in January:

A Windows Vista Capable PC includes at least:

A modern processor (at least 800MHz1).
512 MB of system memory.
A graphics processor that is DirectX 9 capable

512 MB of RAM? MINIMUM?!? Do they even CARE if schools use their OS, 'cause I don't know too many that will be able to afford the new hardware required to make Vista even limp along. Holy crap.

That MacBook is starting to look even better. Heck, even the mini is looking great. For that matter, Edubuntu is looking even better!

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Want. Waaaaaaaannnnnnnt.

Too bad I'm poor! :-(

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Techie Tips of the Day

Tips for Avoiding Spyware Infections

I recommend installing these programs IN ADDITION to anything else you have installed:

  • Spywareblaster by Javacool Software - It's FREE!
  • SpywareGuard also by Javacool Software - also Free!
  • Google Toolbar - pop-up blocking. This is the ONLY toolbar I've found that doesn't add a bunch of crap to your computer. The Yahoo! toolbar is obnoxious and adds more then just a toolbar, and the Altavista toolbar slows down your browser.
  • Spybot - spyware and adware scanner. These can be tricky. Many programs SAY they scan for spyware, but actually ARE spyware. This one is one of the good guys.
  • Ad-aware - another scanner. I use BOTH, because between Spybot and Adaware, they ecah catch different things. There is a free version, and there are paid versions as well.

The free part isn't a trick, these are just companies that think the basics of security and privacy should be available to everyone. Some of them are trying to sell a fancier paid version of the program, but the free versions do work. I use these in our labs at school. I have very few spyware problems now compared to before I used these things.

As for the Microsoft Anti-spyware/Windows Defender program, call me unimpressed. Spybot and Ad-aware catch cookies and other stuff that that the Microsoft program never even tells me about. And it has a tendency to 'ignore' things that are KNOWN spyware, such as the insidious GAIN network software. It has been rumored that Microsoft is about to acquire the company that runs GAIN (or has acquired it in secret). Hmmm. Color me suspicious. And to be honest, why would I trust the company that created the operating system that is so insecure that this is even a widespread problem to START with to the task of 'securing' it after the fact? I do have it installed, mostly because I want to see what it misses. I wouldn't rely on it as your only protection.

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Change, Change, Change...

I used a color scheme studio program I found to find a color scheme that is supposed to be complimentary and balanced and all of that crap.

I think it lied.

I decided to put this up for a few days and see how it 'feels'. I tend to be one of those people that likes to change things up now and then when the mood strikes, so you never what you will see when you visit. *G* It's definitely more cheerful. It might be 'cheer overload', though. I may be firing up the program for another run. Heh. Any comments?

Color Schemer Studio

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Open Source alternative: Open Office

I keep running into a problem with lots of students and parents at school. They show up with a paper on a disk to print, only to discover that they have done said paper in the craptacular Microsoft Works that seems to come on tons of new computers, or WordPerfect, NONE of which we have at school. We can't afford to buy every type of software that comes down the pike, and alot of people can't afford the ridiculous amount Microsoft charges for MS Office. I decided to be proactive and offer people a solution: Open Office

I've tried to educate alot of the parents on the existence of Open Office. It's free, it's easy to download and install, and it WORKS. Documents can be saved in the various Office formats if that's what you need. I can do almost anything in Open Office that I can in the standard MS Office. I have it installed on all of the computers along side MS Office. My only real complaint is that there is no easy Publisher type application, or a Frontpage-type program. (actually, I've found a replacement for this outside of Open Office, but that's another blog, and you CAN make websites in Oo, just not as easily) Given the price of software these days, I've really started to consider switching to Open Office altogether, at home, at school, in my classes, everything. My whole point in teaching people about technology is to teach them how to use ANY technology down the pike, not just what one company puts out, or what is hot right now. Teach them what an operating system or office application IS and the fundamentals behind it, and you can easily learn ANY OS or office application that is placed in front of you. Why use software that is $200 + per computer when you can use software that is FREE for the same purpose?? For people who either can't afford Office, or just want to break free from the neverending upgrade/license cycle of Microsoft products, Open Office is worth a try.

I'll save the Linux blog for another day. *G*

ETA: Here's an interesting blog entry I found about Open Office vs. MS Office as well.

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Don't It Turn My Black Thumb Green...

THIS is my kind of flower pot. I can kill a fake plant. Melted one once because I put it too close to my candle warmer. My cats get fed and watered regularly because they can bug the CRAP out of me if I don't. Plants have no chance.

Hat tip to:

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Rant of the Day.

I don't necessarily like the games and other content that's being made and sold out there today, but this is just ridiculous.

Parents, know what your kids are doing. Be nosey. They are CHILDREN. They shouldn't have real privacy. The illusion of privacy is fine, but when I've had to call a parent and tell them about pictures on a myspace blog that your child has had and maintained for at least two years, and you have absolutely NO clue, I get concerned. I know the internet makes it hard. I know that kids can go to friends' houses and do alot. But make it your business. Please. As a teacher, I see how important this is every day.

/end of rant

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Techie How-To Article of the Day

Here is an interesting little tutorial:

How to Rip DVD's

*Disclaimer: I'm sure there are tons of legal uses for this, right? I personally have an issue with someone telling me that I can't copy the DVD I just paid money for onto my Ipod even if I have no plans of sharing or selling it, but whatever. Fair use, I cry! Yeah, yeah, yeah, DMCA blah blah blah. *G* Just don't be evil. That's Google's motto. Of course, given their practices in China...but that's a whole different blog. ;-)

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Tap Tap Tap...

Is this thing on? Can you hear me now?

Wow, yesterday was a total blogger bust, wasn't it? I had all of this good stuff to blog about and then...

Blogus Interruptus!

Bummer, too, because I was so annoyed that I totally forgot what I was going to blog about. Sucks, doesn't it? How bad does someone have to screw up to make a whole server farm blow up? I never want to find out. I'm sure you're despondent wondering what literary gems you missed. So sorry! Instead, I give you an early morning haiku about something that is very important to me:

Renewed affection
Mountain Dew, how I love you!
12 hour shift fuel

Monday, May 08, 2006

Advertising Annoyances...

If you've been watching any tv lately, you've probably seen the new Mac commercials. They are SO annoying. Now, I like Macs, but have been forced to use PC's. I am no huge fan of Bill Gates and his business practices OR his bug-laden operating system, but these commercials just aren't all that accurate. Windows XP comes with more than a calculator, Steve. To advertise otherwise is just plain wrong. New computers have quite a bit of software installed. Macs come with stuff, and yes, a bit more than XP with the base installation, but exaggeration just doesn't help their case any. Stick with the truth, and Macs will sell, but that fact is that most people aren't going to switch. They like what's familiar. Both Macs and PCs have their good points and bad points. Throw in Linux and you have a trifecta. They all have their purposes. And I would like one of each, please. ;-)

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Today's Techie Bits

Just a few goodies to share:

  • Mozilla Thunderbird vs. Outlook Express: No contest! If you are using Outlook Express, download Thunderbird NOW. Add Firefox to that. Tabbed browsing is IT. I love it. The only think I wish is that it opened a little faster, but Microsoft does have that advantage because of their anti-competitive practices. Thunderbird is safer, and more configurable. The extensions available for both Thunderbird and Firefox make it the coolest, most configurable package out there. If you know computer users who are not that savvy, and tend to get spyware and viruses at the drop of the hat, hook them up. Anyone who is not that internet savvy needs to be using these products for their computers safety. The calendar plugin for Thunderbird also makes it a replacement for Outlook. Very nifty. Lots of gadgets for the technogeeks out there. Popup killer, ad blockers, built-in active X protection. You can't better than that. And if you HAVE to have IE for certain websites, it's always there for you. Especially since it's physically impossible to uninstall.

  • AVG antivirus ( - They have a free home version, but it's very worth supporting the company and getting the 2 year professional license for 38.50. This program is awesome! I use it at school, and with roughly 100 users, many luddites, we've had surpisingly few virus scares. The only problems were related to users that had shut off their automatic updates, proving the adage that the problem is often located between the chair and the keyboard. ;-) I will also say that I've seen more computers with McAfee and Norton, installed with all of their gadgets and bloat, infected with more viruses than I've ever seen with the computers that have AVG. If you need a personal firewall, Zone Alarm is a good choice.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


So, I watched quite a few shows this week. Some season finales. AND ALL OF THEM BLEW CHUNKS!

There are spoilers here, so if you Tivo'd something and haven't watched it, don't write me whining about spoiling anything for you. You've been warned. Oh, and Rosebud is the sled.

  • Supernatural - Creamed by a semi. Argh. I can't handle all of that pretty being smashed up like that. There is something very wrong with that. That was an awesome. The boys are nice too, though.

  • Ghost Whisperer- What ticked me off about this one is that I guessed Andrea was dead as soon as she walked into the store in the previous episode after the plane crash. And then they made me decide I was wrong and I relaxed. And then they ripped the rug out again. HATE! It's bad enough they took away Joan of Arcadia to put that show on, and now they have to pull this crap. Grrr. I was a weepy mess during the whole show. I really hate that. I guess it takes decent writing to make you bawl in a good way one second, then piss you off in the next. I'll reserve judgement on that, though. I'm not trusting this whole 'laughing guy in black who is obviously the satan figure'. LGIBWIOTSF? That's a bad acronym. Makes him sound Russian or Slavic some other name that is short on vowels. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Please don't write about how I've offended your sensibilities as a person of ::insert here:: origin. I'm very culturally sensitive. I hablo español and everything. My class hits a piñata, and eats tacos, and the whole nine yards. It's all good. Trust me.

    Wait, what show was I talking about again? Now I want tacos. Dang.

  • LOST: That wasn't even the season finale and it sucked. Death, mayhem, massive suckitude. Poor Hurley. SHE better not be dead. I'm hating Michael. I hate Sawyer. I can't stand Claire because everytime I see her, I think of Tess on Roswell who I hated with the fire of a thousand suns because she stole Max from Liz briefly. HATES. Yes, that will follow her on every show she is on, because I'm petty like that. I hate to see what the CLIFFHANGER will be if a sweeps eppy gave us that. More argh.

  • Charmed - not the finale yet either, but in this case, it will be the show's finale. It can't come soon enough. I think the show's REAL writers are living it up in Tahiti or something and left some high school creative writing class in charge. Except that I think a creative writing class would actually kick these writers' butts, so I'm going to go with 50,000 monkeys typing on typewriters and getting random words. THAT's how much I think this show has fallen. Showing every inch of Alyssa Milano and Rose McGowan can only take a show so far, people. There ARE other people than hormonal teenage boys and men watching the show. Or maybe I'm the only one, and didn't get the memo. My bad.

  • NUMB3RS - I actually really liked this show, except the totally cheesy modem negotiation sound when the phishers were wardriving to send out the phishing emails in the beginning. IT'S A WIRELESS CONNECTION, YOU MORONS. There IS no modem. I guess they just thought the little squeee ga dee wshhhhhh sound was just 2 kewl and 3l33t not to use.

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